Managed Print Services

Stargel Office Solutions provides businesses with the expertise needed to streamline your daily business processes and increase operational efficiency. With our Star Managed Print Services Division, we analyze the document and printing processes that you already have in place and create a custom plan to help you optimize your printing environment unlike ever before. Did you know that you could be spending up to 3% of your annual budget on printing alone? This is a huge chunk of your annual budget that could be better allocated by making a few simple changes to the way that your business handles printing. View Managed Print brochure.

With Managed Print Services, you can:
- Improve the efficiency of your print environment by implementing the correct devices for your specific needs.
- Ensure your document production devices are always up to date with the latest software and drivers.
- Implement a custom print reduction plan to help reduce costs without sacrificing productivity.
- Real time toner delivery allows proactive supply ordering with FleetView, ensuring you always have the proper supplies, especially when you need them most.
- Order high quality printing supplies at a reduced cost.
- Lower the overall costs of printing within your office.
- Discover the total cost of ownership of your devices, along with the total cost of printing per page through continued comprehensive tracking of your office printing.
These are just a few of the ways that your business can benefit from Managed Print Services. Star Managed Services is dedicated to providing our customers with the most comprehensive Managed Print Services available. For more information on how your office can benefit from Managed Print Services,
please contact us for a Managed Print Assessment.